Manufacturer of meat industry machines


Machine manufacturing in the industrial sector is going through a technological moment based on universal automation, AI and sustainability.

Immediacy in everything is taking over after the telecommunications revolution invaded everything.

First was our life with the use of mobile phones that has managed to make us true consumer users of anything and immediately.

Purchases and sales offer a maelstrom for which we work tirelessly and everyone strives to offer the best product and best delivery service.

Advancement goes through technology and to this we must add a value to which we must all add, such as sustainability, since we must make an ecological transition towards more ecological and sustainable means of production and new products and to which individuals, companies and organizations and institutions we are obliged to comply.

Without a doubt, the modernization of the industry is imminent and AI (Artificial Intelligence) is also incipiently consolidating in all sectors to advance technologically and carry out industrial automation.

Little by little the industrial sector is adapting but not everyone is prepared for this change.

Thanks to robotics, connectivity and data analysis we are achieving improvements in production processes, moving to more agile, more exhaustive manufacturing, automatically reducing control time.

Optimizing energy consumption is going to be a concern this year and in the coming years, promoting industrial innovation.

At the same time that the investigation does not stop, the Spanish economy is growing with the good figure of 0.8% in this first quarter, one tenth more than expected.

Our GDP is advancing adequately according to the INE thanks to investment, exports and private consumption.

Spending in our homes increases and unemployment decreases or at least that is the trend.

Talsa is a world-leading manufacturer of machinery for the meat industry in the food industry.

A company founded in 1900 has gone through different moments of productive transition and its commitment to technology has been a great success when it was still recent.

There are still companies reluctant to change and the EEC has provided funds for this purpose to update companies to the new regulations and new ecological demands.

The most committed companies are the most competitive within the European and global market. Innovation is constant research to improve machines.

Talsa takes seriously the quality, safety and hygiene of the machines, which are constantly updated in a desire for improvement in collaboration with its almost 200 industrial suppliers.

Its engineers work with the most advanced 3D design programs to obtain an always current, robust and reliable product at a competitive price.

With professional distribution to 60 countries, Talsa is a good example of a company in the most technological industrial sector,