Talking about the excellence of a company is easy. Putting them on the web, as well. You only need to write a text and publish it. In fact, there are many companies that write about their virtues without putting into practice a single one of them, or don’t care about their coherence to how they actually think focusing solely on the production.
The values of a company should not be commandments to follow, but they should reflect the values one thinks should be part of their enterprise. A company’s policy is based on the values inherent to all departments as company’s culture. The road to excellency is travelled by not neglecting any aspect that may prove key to stablish a difference and making others look at us admiringly because they know we deliver what we promise.
TALSA is a manufacturer of medium range machinery for the meat industry that has made a conscious effort to take care of its internal values along the continuous expansion of the company worldwide paying attention to all these aspects. Talsa’s management has been able to spread among its team the sense of responsibility for a job well done, offering a well-finished product, taking care of their commercialization as well as the implementation of its values, always listening to outside parties related to the company and their requests for investing in creativity of those who offer their ideas freely to improve their management.
Talsa is currently renovating its web site, which shall soon be published. Its distributors shall never be left behind, and so, Talsa offers an app only for them from which orders can be made of machinery and spare parts, useful, visual and at the same time reducing the service times and unnecessary waiting, errors and eventual returns.
Talsa has known to remain faithful to all its staff in order to be faithful to its clients in a transparent and responsible way. It knows the importance of being faithful from within in order to have stronger bonds to its clients and be resolute to maintain them.
In its website, Talsa specifies its commitment to responsibility, meeting production deadlines, immediate transportation of machinery and their parts anywhere, as well as their shipment on the same day the order was placed, daily support to its distributors all year long in over 60 countries, maintaining their quality and innovation at competitive prices.