IFFA is the innovation fair and future applications for the meat industry in Germany that took place on the first week of May.
About 50 countries participate in this international business fair gathering a total of 1.000 exhibitors. Approximately 30% of the participants are from Germany and the remaining 70% from countries like Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Denmark, China, Poland, USA and Belgium, among others.
The high percentage of visitor from outside Germany coincide in their satisfaction with the event, turning the IFFA in a world’ leading trade fair.
Companies representing the product segments of slaughtering and processing, refrigeration, automation, cleaning equipment, hygiene and occupational safety, measuring and weighing equipment, packaging and sales, ingredients, spices, additives, casings, among others gather at this fair to provide visitors from the meat industry with the latest developments in each sector.
Its origins go back to 1949 when, as part of a conference of the Butchers’ Association of the US Zone in Frankfurt am Main, an accompanying butchers’ exhibition was organised.
Messe Frankfurt is the world’s largest international trade fair, congress and event organiser with its own exhibition grounds that supports the growing meat industry with trade fairs in Argentina, Russia, China and Germany among other countries. Messe Frankfurt constitutes a link between supply and demand and between tendencies and market. Its fairs are a synonym of efficiency, quality and trust given its growth and international relationships at all levels, acting as a marketing partner for all its clients.
Marketing is fundamental for the success and publicity of such an event. Therefore, Talsa makes itself present and, as the innovating company it is, in the manufacture of machinery for the meat industry, takes a place among all other international leading companies.