Talsa prepares to return


Everything has its lights and its shadows, its faces and its crosses, its white and its black. The worldwide confinement due to the pandemic that has been caused by the spread of the COVID-19 virus has shown how vulnerable we are. A virus has put in check the  entire world, our health, our economy, our lives and our customs. We thought we were the kings of the universe and it turns out that with our confinement the planet breathes, the animals do not miss us, the sky is blue and the cities are silent to encourage reflection.

It is a moment in which our lives have been personally affected by somewhat absurd rules that we abide by for our own and common good, and at the same time have put our professional and business life in check. Only the public servants of the health and food sectors have been able to continue their activity, frantically, while the rest, confined at home, begins to think after the first weeks of seclusion, how many people, how many companies can be saved, how to get out of this slump without resorting to drastic measures.

Everyone appeals to solidarity, but the reality is that solidarity alone does not get a country going. Each individual contributes wealth to society as a whole and despite some measure adopted in this regard, we are alone and powerless.

Productions stop, the sales decrease and the orders are served with difficulties. This is a common denominator and we hope that the virus will be eradicated and gives us a break soon in order to undertake what we are launching. This is what our client Talsa tells us, who distributes worldwide machinery for the meat industry.

At least the communications between companies have become more fraternal, aware that behind them there are people whom we now see differently. People we have no personal relationship with but we still begin an email with “I hope you are well”. Perhaps it is the only thing to be thankful for, these commercial relationships nowadays. Thankful for the empathy from our clients and suppliers, for putting ourselves in the other’s place, for helping each other as much as possible; although, also the shadows of the Spain of picaresque is present, giving rise to people with the gift of opportunity at the expense of the misfortunes of others.

At Talsa, they continue to work so that the incorporation of their workers is safe, not skimping on protective measures while coming out of the crisis.