Technological innovation is an improved product or service and for this reason its process also had to be innovated.

The desire for companies to excel is turning them increasingly competitive and the way it leads to this innovation is the investment in cutting-edge machinery and the adaptation of companies to the technological requirements implemented in all its areas.

Technology is born from needs and the overcoming of practical problems, so an industry that constantly watches over improvement for the satisfaction of its customers will be an innovative company and surely it will also be a company with leadership.

Talsa is a company that manufactures machinery of medium capacity for the meat product industry and is an example of innovation.

The quality of its products comes from far back and Talsa, nowadays, is a reference company in the world market. Its progress and its position in the market is not the result of chance but the increase in quality and a management that in the effort to overcome existing versions of a product requires continuous innovation.

But Talsa also innovates in the process, increasing the final value by optimizing costs and time, in addition to innovating in management by systematizing operations, controlling quality, safety and hygiene at work. Also modifying the ways of relating with others, customers and suppliers, facilitating the relationship with service strategies.

Technology companies do not stick to having a neon sign at the door and a sales space exclusively, but arise from restless minds that try to improve day by day; they know how to choose the moment and overcome the small inconveniences to give solutions that result in quality improvement and sometimes also in time saving.

The logo, product marketing, assistance to international fairs, etc … produce an innovation in marketing, innovation in organization managing knowledge, human resources. Engineering together with innovation in the production process and innovation in the product are the basis of innovative companies.