Talsa Manufacturing


Talsa is a Spanish company, world leader in the food industry for the manufacture of machinery for the meat industry sector.

We visited Talsa and its manager accompanied us at all times around its facilities, from the R + D + i department to the machinery production facilities. We understand his leadership by seeing the facilities first hand, where everything occupies a perfect order in space, the warnings of the safety and hygiene rules at work, the silence in the warehouse, the image of his uniformed workers, etc …

Its stainless steel machines appear to be part of a museum exhibition. This vision that we offer of their workspace, of the factory in particular, of its order, cleanliness and simplicity, underscores the idea of a company that has worked its image in line with values.

Leadership is a set of skills aimed at professional success. It is about seeing talent and empowering it. It is about investing in training. It is about listening, communicating and enthusing, and that is not easy. That is why,

Talsa has known through the years, gradually adding more business adventures to its experience, such as the aroma and flavor of a good wine, making Don Quixote’s statement truthful: “Trust time, that usually gives sweet outings to many bitter difficulties. ”

Its new machines are the result of never ceasing in the search for excellence.

Talsa has already become known in the international market with its 5 groups of machines: Mixers, Stuffers, Grinders, Cutters and Cooking Kettles, to which the latest generations are adding to the catalog. Their sales service meets 1 or 2 week terms, the fastest in the industry, and an after-sales service through their immediate distributors for the service of spare parts.

6,000m2 of factory and warehouses that are well worth a visit.