Talsa manufactures machinery for the Food and Meat Industry, but its web is not directed to the costumer in search of a medium capacity machine. Instead, it is directed to distributors, either those with an already world-wide established commercial network, or those interested in these machines to distribute them in areas were their sale is not covered. In its web page, there is a form to be completed for this last group of distributors if interested.
Talsa has a very exhaustive management plan in place for all the company’s departments. This plan is included in a quality manual. In particular, regarding distributors, it has an intranet that can be accessed through the web page. In this intranet, all documents can be downloaded both technical and commercial needed to support sales with catalogues, technical characteristics and all statutory documents required to formalize an order or to perform a maintenance procedure. At the same time, machines are exhibited in the web page with a brief description, their characteristics, and a video showing their operation. Included, also, is the company’s presentation and an explanation of its way of making business, that is to say, its vision and values. This web is presented in different languages.
Talsa comprises several generations of people. Its current CEO is a person who loves and is committed to new technologies. He has chosen highly qualified management teams for the different departments and they continue to expand the Talsa Project after more than 100 years in the spotlight and with a very wide accumulated experience.
Consistency and rigor in management have made Talsa a strong model company in its field, precisely thanks to its strengths and established values.
Its sales, which have been increasing every year, are based on a sale and after-sale service. These services are included in a complete technical assistance service supported by an EC Quality Control.
Talsa is a trademark, nationally and internationally known as a reference for the manufacturing of medium capacity machinery in the Food and Meat Industry.
Fillers/stuffers, mixers, mincers/grinders, cutters and cookers/kettles