Small meat cutters and choppers | Talsa

Small meat cutters and choppers For the meat industry Talsa Talsa is a world leader manufacturer of medium-range machinery for the meat industry. It offers a wide range of machinery like fillers, mincers, mixers, cookers and cutters. On this article, we are going to...


Fillers | Stuffers Talsa A filler or stuffer is a machine used to compact cold mixtures for the production of different types of cold meats that can be fresh, cured or cooked. TALSA is a european company producer of medium-range machinery for the food processing...

Talsa, a capable and skilled company

Talsa, a capable and skilled company Capable and skilled companies are those able to adapt to new technologies and to the demands originating from quality control and the environment, as well as the developing of an ethics code. But, what does it mean to be capable? A...